Sunburst2001: Docteur de la peste gen.2
Sunburst2001: Le Manipulateur
wumi0212: 7-spot Ladybug by me
Kota Imai: イセエビ 創作:僕 折り手:僕
k_ouch!: Wild boar (designed by me)
Juanfran Carrillo: Origami Hulk (version 2) - my design.
MAD FOLDER: Humanimètis
o'sorigami: Le danh nice, a Xich Lo
the real juston: Bird Base Tyrannosaurus rex Full CP
the real juston: Dracula (1)
Sunburst2001: Inquisition espagnole
Sunburst2001: Sirène gen.2.5
kaede1969: Ayu sweetfish
-sebl-: bon apétit2
Orimin: Origami Polar Bear
Kyohei Katsuta: Hamster/ハムスター
Neelesh K: ORIGAMI- Master Roshi !!
origamiforthewin: Threadfin Butterflyfish
Kota Imai: メタリフェルホソアカクワガタ 創作:僕 折り手:僕
[~Nic]: Velociraptor 0
Kyohei Katsuta: Duck/アヒル
Quentin Origami: “Smashing into pieces” from an uncut square.
Satsukawa: Mike Diagram
PassionOrigami: Interpretation Ghost by Oriol Esteve
PassionOrigami: Interpretation Owl by Oriol Esteve