thebyzantinelegacy: “Pinienzapfenkapitell” (Inv. 290)
thebyzantinelegacy: Capital with Porphyry Column
thebyzantinelegacy: Capital with Porphyry Column
thebyzantinelegacy: Agate Plate and Bowl
thebyzantinelegacy: Agate Plate and Bowl
thebyzantinelegacy: Cloisonné enamel medallion with Crucifixion
thebyzantinelegacy: “Eagle of Suger”
thebyzantinelegacy: Ceramic fragment with St. Peter
thebyzantinelegacy: Sarcophagus fragment of Livia Primitiva (1st quarter of 3rd century)
thebyzantinelegacy: Funerary mosaic (Tunisia, late 4th-early 5th century)
thebyzantinelegacy: Maxentius (c. 278-312)
thebyzantinelegacy: Virgin Hodegetria (10th century)
thebyzantinelegacy: Virgin Hodegetria (10th century)
thebyzantinelegacy: Ampulla with St. Paul and and St. Thekla (6th-7th century)
thebyzantinelegacy: Lamp with Triumphant Christ
thebyzantinelegacy: Lamp with a fish (5th-6th century)
thebyzantinelegacy: Lamp with cross (400-600)
thebyzantinelegacy: John Prodromos in Trullo / Hırami Ahmet Pasha Mosque
thebyzantinelegacy: John Prodromos in Trullo / Hırami Ahmet Pasha Mosque
thebyzantinelegacy: John Prodromos in Trullo / Hırami Ahmet Pasha Mosque