Red Spacecat: V-22 Osprey
Jack Riveorput: Flying ship
暁工房: Stormbringer 2.0 002
stephann001: SHIPtember 2017 / AC 240 BRUTUS
Space_cat27: Cargo ship CIF-15
clmntin.E: Hannibal Class Mech
Kloou.: Nativity scene
Legopard: TheNewBlack - Autumn Tree
Brother Steven: Ingvarr The Midnight Dragon
Legopard: Venice 1486
Brother Steven: Farwin Castle
Oscar Cederwall (o0ger): The Morning Mist
LEGOHungary: Circles again
Nachapon S.: CLOUD SHIP Created by teareado
Rancorbait: "Eclipse" Heavy Assault Cruiser
Cesbrick: The Floating Island of Todaidh Beag
Siercon and Coral: Lego Techniques: #3 Staggered Shingles
Tim Schwalfenberg: Hurricane Fleet
"Orion Pax": ONE PIECE Thousand Sunny
"Orion Pax": Merry Christmas
Shuppiluliumas: Erie P-1 "Triplex"
JonHall18: P-70 Predator
Kris_Kelvin: Pif Paf City 2
ЯIK: 14 LX-01SM Space Marines
lisqr: bamboo hut
Legoloverman: Omega Base
Siercon and Coral: Brookside Abbey
joeseidon: Rhombic Triacontahedron