almead09: 20140326_184858
almead09: DSC05092
almead09: Such drama!
almead09: Scary cat face!
almead09: Mom said "tuna time!"
almead09: Pippin!
almead09: Big kitty yawn!
almead09: Pippin!
almead09: Who can resist such a sleepy cat face?
almead09: On the prowl
almead09: Persimmon
almead09: Persimmon
almead09: Persimmon
almead09: Persimmon
almead09: Prowling in the yard
almead09: Making sure the car is still there
almead09: DSC04816
almead09: DSC04815
almead09: Persimmon didn't like the snow!
almead09: Persimmon didn't like the snow!
almead09: Persimmon didn't like the snow!
almead09: Sitting in the snow
almead09: Cat and Mouse
almead09: Cat and Mouse
almead09: Cat and Mouse
almead09: Cat and Mouse
almead09: Cat and Mouse
almead09: Cat and Mouse
almead09: Cat and Mouse