harucasting: Elf cream brown
RikkiStar: Pearl - Minifee Sia
RequiemArt.com: comparison3
RequiemArt.com: comparison1
TeaPartyRevolution: Ooh... The detail!!! #bjd #balljointeddoll #fairyland #feeple65
RikkiStar: Dragon - A Photo History
pure_embers: Sunshine
mashikuf: 3A_shadowkuma_Isobelle_01
Sendell_Caramdir: So true...
IssyBJD✶: Stand up for BJD artists!
stylecunt: Hussein Chalayan
Aduall: Jack Halloween 2
kllariss: FeePle60 Chloe
Shirelae: Evadne
Shirelae: Evadne
Protagonist Design: Durga Action Figure Prototype
Jayne Mateljan: Balls, balls and yet more balls.
Shi San Ling Cha: comparing bodies 01
nut_sonya: IMG_2896
nut_sonya: IMG_2898
aqualuna1: rose
Protagonist Design: IMG_4613
Protagonist Design: IMG_4612
Protagonist Design: IMG_4601
Protagonist Design: IMG_4588