Antonio Chac: Atardecer. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2018 a todos! / Happy New Year 2018 everyone!
428sr: ギラリ
mgimagery95: Light of a flower in Darkness
Kevin Quinn Art: Night Flamingo
misha_haijtema: Unde the Bridge
Chusfuen: _DSC0119
poludziber1: girl with umbrella
photosumika: ヨーロッパオオカミ:European wolf
FotoGrazio: Giraffe Profile at Sunset
FotoGrazio: Ahhhh... that's the spot. "Mad Men"
octavia florea: My Bliss
markxlima: Prepping Greta
FotoGrazio: “Errrt-uh-errr-uh-errrrrrrrr!
CAUT: Luna & Venus - Venus & Moon
Rahul Monga: Worn Out
Kevin Quinn Art: “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” -Paulo Coelho
Kevin Quinn Art: "Never cease chiseling your own statue." -Plotinus
Wen-hui Hu: P1010477
klaweb52: Kloster Maulbronn
∴ SilverFish & Friends: grandma's old bicycle {Explored}
Rk Rao: Innocence [ "X" ]
Julia-Anna Gospodarou: Urban Saga I - Chicago Skyline
Eric D Boo: A Rose