Nia_Ev: the waitinG.
Nia_Ev: at nighT
Nia_Ev: Foggy almond tRee.
Nia_Ev: Foggy almond tRee.
Nia_Ev: CampinG mooD
Nia_Ev: |The Meadows – mine – The Mountains – mine – All Forests – Stintless stars – As much of noon, as I could take-Between my finite eyes|
Nia_Ev: \If I could stop and remember/
Nia_Ev: I 'll follow the road to find my peace of minD.
Nia_Ev: |Drive. Between blue fields with yellow flowers|
Nia_Ev: Between reality and lie.
Nia_Ev: The sun. The rock. The sky. We grew up old apart but full of shine
Nia_Ev: MoNday.
Nia_Ev: Those trees and the sun rising up right behind them.
Nia_Ev: | I'm nobody! who are you? Are you nobody too? Then there's a pair of us- don't tell!|
Nia_Ev: I put that sunset inside my pocket. it will help me stay awake.
Nia_Ev: Happy lights hanGing on that tRee.
Nia_Ev: |Do I dare Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse|
Nia_Ev: ThRee lightS falling from the suN.
Nia_Ev: Magic hour with pink snow.
Nia_Ev: Have with me this walk of shame.
Nia_Ev: |sunsets in the car and the smell of humid ground could give a picture of how bliss looks like|
Nia_Ev: That tree though.
Nia_Ev: A parking lot at the mountain.
Nia_Ev: Three waY
Nia_Ev: So the wishes will take charge and the mind will stay aside
Nia_Ev: No direction homE
Nia_Ev: Fog shelters my deepest thoughts. The ones that creep me out.
Nia_Ev: Trust your local shooteR.
Nia_Ev: For now I am winteR