ramalama_22: She's Got Legs
ramalama_22: High Points of the Bronx - Prestige Hotel / Horrible Wedding
ramalama_22: Golden Age of Kinder Gentler Commie Bastards - Garbage Trough
ramalama_22: Nuke of Prunes (Part 2) - Golden Age of ICBM Acronyms
ramalama_22: Nuke of Prunes - Golden Age of Nuclear Weapon Museum
ramalama_22: 1985 - Golden Age of High Interest Rates
ramalama_22: Turkey 1992 - Hayat (Life) Mineral Water
ramalama_22: Turkey 1990 - Pepsi
ramalama_22: Schweppes Dry Lemon (Turkey 1992)
ramalama_22: Bursa Turkey 1992 - Ulus Candy and Pastry House
ramalama_22: Kodak Brownie Movie Camera (1956) - Spring Driven Thing
ramalama_22: Kodak Brownie Movie Camera (1956) - No Zoom
ramalama_22: Kodak Brownie Movie Camera (1956) - Cover Off
ramalama_22: Uludag Indian Tonic Water from Bursa Turkey 1992
ramalama_22: Desert Plants After Cold Rainy Winter
ramalama_22: Istanbul 1992 - Stoking the Fire
ramalama_22: Istanbul 1992 - Waiting for You
ramalama_22: Istanbul 1992 - At Your Service
ramalama_22: Istanbul 1992 - Traditional Architecture
ramalama_22: Istanbul 1992 - Cemberlitas Baths
ramalama_22: Golden Age of Hollywood Glamor - Final Days
ramalama_22: Mechanical Calculator 1949 - Best Available
ramalama_22: Work Longer / Die Younger
ramalama_22: Dieing for Publicity
ramalama_22: Jackie: An American Life from September 1997 NY Subway Map
ramalama_22: Holiday Special Burrito Box from Sonora
ramalama_22: Foca (seal) Laundry Detergent from Mexico
ramalama_22: Acres of Lard from Germany
ramalama_22: Shots for Tots from Weekly World News
ramalama_22: Mister Creosote from France