Mothers Day was amazing with all the messages and phone calls I received both from my family and friends. But the best part was spending it with my family. I always say I am one lucky girl with all the love I have around me. Thank you for my flower and
No hay palabras para agradecerte por todo el cariño que nos has dado a lo largo de estos años, hoy en tu día te envio muchos besos y mis mejores deseos, para los próximos 364 días, ¡Mi amor infinito! Feliz día de las Madres
HAPPY MoTHERS DAY to all you wonderful Mothers out there. this is an important, complicated and rewarded job a woman will have in her's also the highest paid salary job since you are paid with pure love..thank you for the beautiful contribution
Tonight's tequilas and birthday theme #descendants #descendantstheme #birthdayparty #tequila #camarena #hijosdevilla #hijosdevillatequila
I want to wish my one and only beautiful niece, Gigi, a happy 10th birthday. She is truly growing way to fast. Thank You for alway being you, never change. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Birthday dinner for mom #adobado #whiterice #blackbeans #macaronisalad #momsdinner #happybirthdaymom
No me alcanzaría ni un millón de hojas para escribirte por todo por lo que estoy agradecida, ni todas las hojas del mundo para escribirte lo mucho que te quiero. Feliz cumpleaños te quiero muchísimo ❤️❤️❤️
I want to wish a Happy Birthday to the best woman in the friend, my rock, my everything, my mom. She keeps all of us happy and together. She is never happy until all of us are. Even on her worst day or when she is sick, she puts a smile on he
Las amo a las dos, no importa las veces que me regañen, no importa lo mucho que discutamos, porque sé que al final, siempre van a estar a mi lado. Gracias. En pocas palabras, ustedes dos so lo MEJOR DEL MUNDO. Y aunque mi calendario me dice que hoy tengo
Happy Birthday Lillian. I'm so glad you came all the way from Maryland to celebrate your birthday with us