Bunny15_me: La Virgen Dolorosa del Encuentro
Gibby™: Carcar Cuaresma 2011
Sarah S Wilkins: Madonna and Child by Filippo Lippi
Sarah S Wilkins: Lippi Madonna tenderly grasping her child
Swarvanu: Madonna and Child by Sassoferrato
ARTExplorer: Madonna and Child - Jacopo di Arcangel - Tempera on panel
ARTExplorer: Madonna and Child - Jacopo di Arcangel - Tempera on panel
ARTExplorer: Madonna and Child - Jacopo di Arcangel - Tempera on panel
Lynn (Gracie's mom): Di Giovanni, Matteo - La Vergine Col Figlio ed Angioli - Pisfone
Lawrence OP: Hodie Christus natus est
Lawrence OP: The Immaculate Conception
Lawrence OP: Madonna dei Pellegrini
Lawrence OP: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Lawrence OP: Comper Reredos of St Sebastian
Lawrence OP: Christmas greeting 2009
Lawrence OP: The Immaculate Virgin Mary
Lawrence OP: The New Eve
Lawrence OP: St Catherine of Alexandria
Lawrence OP: Virgin with the White Rose
Lawrence OP: Our Lady of the Rosary
renzodionigi: The Virgin Mary
HEN-Magonza: Fra Angelico, Thronende Madonna mit Kind und zwölf Engeln (Virgin Mary enthroned with Child and twelve angels)
Join us GROUP - our new name is deficit.lt: The Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Mercy
Milton Sonn: David, Jacques Louis (1748-1825) - 1780 St. Roch Asking the Virgin Mary to Heal Victims of the Plague (Museum of Fine Arts Marseille, France)
HEN-Magonza: Bingen, Basilika St. Martin, Rosenkranzaltar, Marienkrönung - St. Martin's Basilica, Rosary Altar, coronation of the Virgin Mary
lisabelle3: Taddeo di Bartolo 1a, madone et enfant à l'hirondelle.
johnheaton: Virgin and Child with Saint Lucy and the Young John the Baptist