whitemetalgames.com: Lord Celestant Prime Refurbish/Restoration
Warhammer Lyon 6: 2017-12-23 - Open de peinture II - 021
Warhammer Lyon 6: 2018-01-25 - Magnus by Thibaut - 06
Taelonar: Bestigor of Nurgle
Calgar: Nurgle 104
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Archaon Everchosen, Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Lord-Celestant on Stardrake, Stormcast Eternals, Age of Sigmar
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Genestealer Cult, Neophyte Hybrids, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40000,
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Genestealer Cult, Patriarch, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40000,
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Genestealer Cult, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40000,
Jay Adan: Sicarian Infiltrators
Jay Adan: Onager Dunecrawler
leehild: _20171003_214448
leehild: Poxwalker
leehild: Poxwalkers
luferox: Death Guard Plague Marine Squad
riocordo1: Hellblaster Squad
riocordo1: Poxwalkers
Den of Imagination: Chaos Overlords
sublimebrushwork: Onager Dunecrawler
zatcaskagoon.social: Full guide will be up tomorrow or the next day#youtube #video #tutorial #games workshop #adeptusmechanicus #bonewhite #weathered #weathering#rust#grime#dunecrawler #wip #zatcaskagoonminiatures #tabletopgaming #brushforhire #commission #wargame #wargaming
Will Vale: Poxwalkers: Test complete
Will Vale: Plague Marine: Test model
saimaanrannalta: Sylvaneth
rednekkboss: plagueunit
melcavuk: Fire Aelves Conversions
ShadyRabbit: Sylvaneth
ShadyRabbit: Sylvaneth
Prometian Painting: Hakanor's Reavers Bloodthirster