hodge podge farm: Welcome to #luckystarartcamp! Right this way...
hodge podge farm: Campfire singalong #luckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: Hats are happening! #luckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: Embroidering en plein air #luckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: Stitched for the inaugural #luckystarartcamp prayer flag, by Zer and me
hodge podge farm: Cowgirls on parade #luckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: Handwork #Lu ckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: @8to10gnomes' amazing thread box! Want. #luckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: Yoga by the river #luckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: Best classroom ever. @goodharbormary's hands hooking at #luckystarartcamp
Vivienne McMaster: The path to our cabin... #luckystarartcamp #lighthunters
Shawn Stratmann: shawnselfportrait
kathy.smitherman: 20131012_091926
kathy.smitherman: 20131009_151115
kathy.smitherman: 20131009_150457
Kelley Walker: IMG_2633
Kelley Walker: IMG_4013
Kelley Walker: IMG_3996
Kelley Walker: IMG_2582
hodge podge farm: Glorious morning light #Lu ckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: Love this bed. #luckystarartcamp
hodge podge farm: Made a friend... #luckystarartcamp