k♫: つばき
kenny barker: ROOMS WITH A VIEW
eyetwist: a day at the shore. santa monica, ca. 2013.
eyetwist: confused about obamacare? yuba city, ca. 2013.
Michael Thornquist: Sunset Over The Annacis Channel ~ Richmond, BC
childishToy*: Homesick
childishToy*: Bohemian rhapsody
childishToy*: Waiting for spring
SivamDesign: Spotted Dove
letannant069...(Alain S),,,600319 thanks: ''bartramia longicauda'' ...maubèche des champs,.-upland sandpiper..
letannant069...(Alain S),,,600319 thanks: ''Zonotrichia albicollis''...''bruant à gorge blanche''...''white-throated sparrow''
rhysmarsh: Dot-winged Antwren, female
rhysmarsh: White-whiskered Puffbird
rhysmarsh: Green Violetear
Diasta: TMII-1
Diasta: TMII-7
Diasta: TMII-8
rhysmarsh: Black-faced Antthrush
rhysmarsh: Black-throated Trogon
raulvega: Halcón Murcielaguero -Bat Falcon- (Falco rufigularis)
raulvega: Halcón Murcielaguero -Bat Falcon- (Falco rufigularis)
rhysmarsh: Spangle-cheeked Tanager
Neal D: Male Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis)
as_kannan: Mountain Imperial Pigeon
Chop_Merc: Elegant Gadwall
oldbearchris: Old guy with carrier bag, Liverpool Street Station
garethwong: Moving underground train at Bank station from RAW _DSC2146 UK