Paperartist45: PXL_20201213_230206225
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Paperartist45: IMG_20200801_115658
Paperartist45: IMG_20200801_115620
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Paperartist45: IMG_20200731_132327
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Paperartist45: IMG_20200728_154324
Paperartist45: IMG_20200727_180755 (1)
Paperartist45: IMG_20200627_135808
Paperartist45: CAP Book for SDBA 20th Anniversary
Paperartist45: CAP book detail showing binding strip
Paperartist45: Morse Code Flag Book
Paperartist45: New twist folded book
Paperartist45: Images for twist folded book.
Paperartist45: Twist fold book complete
Paperartist45: Jagged on the Inside
Paperartist45: Jagged on the Inside
Paperartist45: IMG_3657
Paperartist45: IMG_3661
Paperartist45: IMG_3655
Paperartist45: Small paper houses
Paperartist45: Roam by Gina Pisello
Paperartist45: Couture Kaleidascope
Paperartist45: Crane books
Paperartist45: Haikube
Paperartist45: Stone Mt., GA by Gina Pisello
Paperartist45: J & D's 25th album cover
Paperartist45: Over the Moon book