DaisiesforViolet: I had a little trouble in tinting class. #nofilter. #thatsgunnafadenice
DaisiesforViolet: Feelin fly in her new $3 thrifted "daddy shoes".
DaisiesforViolet: Gemmies are evil. Dont buy them. The age on the package is lying. It should say Bachelors Degree.
DaisiesforViolet: One more for fun. Do not let impulse rule. 😱
DaisiesforViolet: I haven't pulled in weeks. They have not lost their spirit. A cycle is complete now its upkeep. The devil is always there but if I relax and prioritize and don't overwhelm myself he can't get his claws in me. He doesn't look like a friend anymore. Give wi
DaisiesforViolet: Just a little something for the next embroidery class at @fawngifts 😁
DaisiesforViolet: How you so pretty Rufelstov? #beaglesofinstagram
DaisiesforViolet: We also got a new table and redid the art on the wall. I love my little house. 🎉
DaisiesforViolet: Via @third_eye_thirst I feel the first phase ending and the second beginning. #vibratehigher
DaisiesforViolet: The tooth fairy got to Hobby Lobby in just the nick of time! #momwin
DaisiesforViolet: First tooth lost!! This chick totally doesn't believe in the tooth fairy. Vampires and zombies are a real concern but it's the tooth fairy that she calls bullshit on. #driedtearandall
DaisiesforViolet: Night time drawing with my guy on my new badass couch. #livinthedream
DaisiesforViolet: One of my favorite things is my tiny little Buddha collection. I really love this space now.
DaisiesforViolet: Finished! #thankthegodsforikea
DaisiesforViolet: You convinced me. I figured a Society6 account wouldn't hurt. :) Thanks everyone for the encouragement! ❤️. http://ift.tt/2mYqg1c
DaisiesforViolet: This girl is magic and she knows it.
DaisiesforViolet: Remember every family photo in the 90s had white tshirts? Well with this I win. Yes he is posing. 😘
DaisiesforViolet: Saturday night #konmari. Our anniversary gift to ourselves was to make the house the way we've wanted it since we moved in. My job is to organize he's got the job that pays for it. Next phase is the black bookcases. Later jerks! #redocoratethisish #hygge
DaisiesforViolet: I saw these in a dream. (By me)
DaisiesforViolet: Our wedding anniversary isn't the one we celebrate. But of course it's special. 6 years married, 11 years as a couple, 15 years together, countless lifetimes. Forevaeva @jeffmillies
DaisiesforViolet: It's true.
DaisiesforViolet: All set up and ready to stitch. @fawngifts
DaisiesforViolet: Who wants to snuggle!! #thankyoutaxreturn
DaisiesforViolet: I'm stitching up the sample for my class tomorrow. It's like an old friend. Wanna hang out and learn to stitch??? Sign up link is in my profile. :)
DaisiesforViolet: I own one red shit and I'm taking the day off. Later! #adaywithoutwomen
DaisiesforViolet: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson .......... And hard as hell to do. I just want to be creative Intelligent Clever Beautiful Courageous Clear Kind Adventurous
DaisiesforViolet: It's that simple. Lifted from @justinisntcool_ I bet you will see this a couple more times.
DaisiesforViolet: #thriftstorescore. I found this for $9 this week. 😍
DaisiesforViolet: Via @third_eye_thirst The last couple months has been the most active of my life. I've grown and changed in ways I didn't anticipate but appreciate. The main idea is controlling what you can and letting go of what you can't. I didn't know I had a control