watcher330: Pernety parapluie
watcher330: Belleville 1
watcher330: Belleville 2
watcher330: Belleville 3
watcher330: Belleville 4
watcher330: Belleville 5
watcher330: Belleville 6
watcher330: Belleville 10
watcher330: Belleville 11
watcher330: Belleville 8
watcher330: Belleville 7
watcher330: Belleville 9
watcher330: Belleville 12
watcher330: Montparnasse Metro
watcher330: umbrella
watcher330: Montparnasse
watcher330: out of the metro
watcher330: ubiquitous scooters
watcher330: striking a note
watcher330: kaleidescope
watcher330: yellows
watcher330: on Beaumarchais
watcher330: Quai d'Orsay
watcher330: looking
watcher330: quite exciting
watcher330: souls
watcher330: just to improve your view sir
watcher330: cat and brown door
watcher330: on Ile St Louis
watcher330: Le Marais 1 - clocked