Andreas Sjölander: IMG_2799HDR.jpg
Andreas Sjölander: IMG_2695HDR.jpg
AndreDiener (ALDPhoto): Non mating plumage displayed
andré & riette: the chase ~a
Andreas Sjölander: _MG_9691.jpg
Christian ±π: Wintergoldhähnchen
David Bembic: Around
sacce22: DSC_9962
Merci pour 10M de vues. Thanks for 10M views 10M: Mésange à tête noire/ Black-capped chickadee
andré & riette: all ladies love flowers! ~a
oli wood: Dive
Ernest t: Rampichino Alpestre
Fausto Deseri: Martin pescatore
llphoto168: Eagle with edit
tanya.cavaglia: Gruccione con preda
Masaki Miida: total eclipse
njumer: Cabbage White July - 2014 - 29 - 2
Judylynn M.: In Deep Thought !!!!-Tree
papinifoto: Schwarze Heidelibelle (Sympetrum danae)
iamfisheye: Thinking About Breakfast
iamfisheye: Moody Bull Shot
Tōn: Berkheya purpurea
Miguel Rubira Garcia: Congost de Montrebei-Montañana
Swedish National Heritage Board: Slussen, Stockholm, Sweden
Koedir: Erdmännchen