gamejew: My new album is out! Link in bio. It’s a culmination of 10 years of writing a song a day. Close your eyes and picture the mall you grew up going to, only it’s completely empty and being reclaimed by nature.
gamejew: In case you can’t read that, his resolution sign says, “Play all the Mario games in 2019.”
gamejew: Today is my ten year anniversary for Song A Day! My new album is available for preorder. Link in bio!
gamejew: Happy Holidays everybody!
gamejew: After 1.5 years Jupiter finally likes his sister.
gamejew: “That’s a good Mario, papa.” - Jupiter, my gentlest critic.
gamejew: Putting an outfit together for an album cover.
gamejew: Announcing: #jamuary !!!! An invitation for musicians of all stripes to undertake the challenge of making 31 songs in the month of January. I’m your host, @jonathanmann . I’ve been writing a song a day for almost 10 years. I started 1/1/09. Please tag som
gamejew: I’m both of these guys.
gamejew: Annual first snow selfie
gamejew: It’s cold so we’re snugglin’ in the leaves
gamejew: My ladies! 📷 by @donaghueerin
gamejew: Mama’s latest food invention: Silly Sushi. If you eat one of everything, you can have seconds of anything.
gamejew: #protectmueller
gamejew: We voted!
gamejew: ‪Post red eye Prague cloudy river run‬
gamejew: Thursday morning fort
gamejew: Raise your hand if your young toddler has done this to this book. Both Jupi and now Pippy - it’s like a rite of passage or something.
gamejew: Finally getting the kiddos to sleep in their room together and the cuteness level is 💯
gamejew: State of the Song A Day studio, fall 2018 edition.
gamejew: Baby, sitting.
gamejew: Nice selfie post crying in the woods of Ontario. It’s good to cry! 😭😭😭
gamejew: Staying on a farm for 2 weeks
gamejew: The cousins are growing!
gamejew: Dress up day at camp. The theme was Wet n Wild. Close enough!
gamejew: Texas sunrise run.
gamejew: Elsie and Jupiter, 4 years on.
gamejew: Trying to look presentable.
gamejew: Getting a Jeff Lynn vibe from my new sunglasses/beard combo. Except I plan on completely shaving my head mid-July.
gamejew: SHOT - 2 weeks @ the hospital: 2 MRIs, a joint aspiration, a bone biopsy, a minor surgery, 7 days of IV antibiotics. Still here. CHASER - I just got a talking to about sleeping naked (on top of sheets, under my own blanket!) on the couch at night. I guess