Neil Wade: Elephant Mountain Taipei Taiwan
Akane 茜: 4B5A0047
Akane 茜: 4B5A0088-1
~neko x~: HONGKONG-IFC Light Printing
Гок: 珠江新城
vampire-carmen: Auf dem Dach des Rockefeller Centers -On the roof of Rockefeller Center
Harry‧黃基峰‧台灣影像圖庫: Harry_34089,八五大樓,85大樓,摩天大樓,星光水岸公園,新光碼頭,公園,綠地,高雄市,前鎮區,高雄,前鎮,Park,Building,85 Building,Kaohsiung
F.H: 5Ds & EF85mm f/1.4L IS USM
Pablo RG: Faro de Cabo Mayor
Laufey_gs: Friðland að fjallabaki - Fjallabak Nature Reserve
Akane 茜: 4B5A0707
Akane 茜: 4B5A0668
里卡豆: 晴空塔|SKYTREE
Akane 茜: 4B5A1340
Akane 茜: 4B5A1343
Akane 茜: 4B5A0314
TakumiMono: Fei Ngo Shan Suicide Wall Nights ,HK
TakumiMono: Arrow Peng
samyaoo: 合歡山主峰 反霞光 東峰 雲海
wrc213: 虎杖花的日出
Eric-Chang Taiwan: 茶園雲海
Long-Sheng Chen: DSC_5265
TakumiMono: Central City Night ,HK
TakumiMono: Central lights ,HK
KYun1ght: DSC03825
Kevtsui: 101 fireworks
Mat 65: Dent du Géant
<e.cel8>: The Totem Pole
Valter Patrial: Trekking Patagônia