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albums of HL's Photo
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07-2018 Photo
03-2016 Photo
Apr-2018 Photo
06-2018 Photo
Photo 2018 S1
01-15-2018 武夷黃山徽州行
12-2017 General
12-15-2017 NE Coast
12-2017 General (Others)
12-2017 General
06-2017 Kaohisung
11-12-2017 Street / BH
11-2017 General (Sanpshot)
10-25-2017 BH (Sanpshot)
09-2017 Photo
Year 2017 Horng (Dad)
Y2017 Artwork
08-20-2017 Street Snapshot (BH)
08-12-2017 BH Snapshot
08-2017 General
08-05-2017 BH Snapshot
Y2017 Dennis Chin (Dad)
07-23-2017 Curtural Activity (Capitol)
07-21-2017 Snapshot (BH, Home)
07-20-2017 NE Coast
07-09-2017 BH Snapshot
07-2017 General
07-01-2017 Street Snapshot (BH)
06-30-2017 Lotus (Sunset)
06-24-2017 Harvest (彰化社頭鄉)
06-23-2017 Hiking (馬拉邦)
06-20-2017 Flowers (曇花)
06-11-2017 Lotus (華山)
06-09-207 曇花 (Night-Blooming Cereus)
06-2017 Flowers (@Home)
06-2017 General (Snapshot)
Y2017 Portrait
05-2017 General
Apr-2017 General
04-06-2017 N Coast
April 2017 General Snapshot
04-03-2017 Hsilo
03-29-2017 NE Coast
03-2017 General
03-20-2017 Office (Snapshot)
03-18-2017 Wedding (原住民)
03-19-2017 Snapshot (Photo Exhit / Taipei 101)
03-12-2017 BH (Sakura, Birds & Flowers)
03-03-2017 Flowers ( BH, Sakura )
02-28-2017 Flowers & Party
02-11-2017 Family Party / Others
02-05-2017 Birds and BH
02-01-2017 Lunar New Year
Y2017 Effect
01-08-2017 BH (Birds) & Art
Y2017 Others
01-07-2017 BH Birds & Exhit (Coffe Shop)
Y2017 Portrait
Y2017 Landscape
Y2017 Birds & Animal
01-2017 Birds ( 小鷿鷈 )
01-01-2017 Hiltop (Sunset)
01-2017 General
01-01-2017 Fireworks (Taipei 101)
12-24-2016 Northern Coast
12-18-2016 BH and Street
12-11-2016 BH Snapshot
12-2016 General
12-04-2016 BH (Bird)
12-03-2016 Mountain (象山)
11-27-2016 Riverside (Keelung River)
11-19-2016 Taipei Botanical Garden (Autumn's Lotus)
11-2016 General / Snapshot
11-12-2016 NE Coast
11-06-2016 Street & Mountain
10-29-2016 萬里行
10-2016 Snapshot / Street
Y2016 Photographers
10-2016 General / Snapshot
09-2016 Snapshot
09-2016 Snapshot + General
07-20-2016 Kaohsuing
07-16-2016 Lotus & Snapshot (Huasan Park)
07-2016 General
07-02-2016 BH
06-25-2016 馬拉邦
06-25-2016 烏龜隊:瑪拉邦‧社頭
Exhit (Year 2016)
06-11-2016 NE Coast
06-10-2016 Taipei BG (Lotus)
06-12-2016 BH (Lotus and Snapshot)
06-05--2016 Lotus & Others (Taipei Botanical Garden)
06-2016 General
Year 2016 Animals (Fishes / Birds / ...)
05-07-2016 N Coast / YMM / BH
05-2016 General / Street
2016 Others
2016 Dennis
04-16-2016 Keelong, Taiwan
04-17-2016 YMM Hiking (Turtle)
Apr-2016 General
04-05-2016 Lumbei / BH
03-26-2016 Street / BH / Snapshot
03-12-2016 Street Snapshot
Y2016 House
03-05-2015 關渡 / SYS / House
03-2016 General
Year 2016 烏龜隊 / Hiking
02-2016 General
01-2016 General
Photo Set : Dennis
Photo Set : Others
Photo Set : 人文
Photo Set : Landscape
Photo Set : Portrait
Photo Set : Flowers
Photo Set : Animals
Photo Set : Birds
01-10-2016 NBH (Snapshot)
01-09-2016 NBH (Snapshot)
01-02-2016 NBH . Snapshot
01-01-2016 元旦 ‧ NBH ‧ Snapshot
12-20-2015 NBH / Snapshot
12-18-2015 Hsilo / Lumbei
12-2015 General
12-12-2015 Snapshot (NBH)
12-05-2015 NBH
11-29-2015 NBH
11-28-2015 NBH
12-20-2015 Exhit 3 (Huasan)
11-15-2015 SYS
11-08-2015 Hsilo
11-2015 General
Photo Set : Portrait
Oct-25-2015 NBH Snapshot
Oct-25-2015 萬里 ( Wonli, Taipei, Taiwan)
Oct-17-2015 Snapshot
( Friend ) Horng
Oct ' 2015 Photos
09-25-2015 Yunlin
09-20-2015 郡大岳風景篇 Landscape
09-20-2015 烏龜隊郡大岳
09-12-2015 NBH
09'2015 General / Public
09-06-2015 Hiking and Dor Culture Event
09-05-2015 NBH (Religion Dor)
08-29-2015 NBH
08-22-2015 SYS
08-15-2015 / 08-16-2015 Snapshot
08'2015 General
08-02-2015 NBH
08-01-2015 NBH
08'2015 Photos
07-23-2015 NBH
07-24-2015 NBH
07-18-2015 SYS
07-12-2015 NBH
07-11-2015 NBH
07-2015 General
07-05-2015 NBH
07'2015 Photo
07-04-2015 NBH
Year 2015 Effect
06-14-2015 NBH
06-11-2015 NE Coast
Year 2015 Friends
Year 2015 Classmates
06'2015 Photos
06-07-2015 NBH (雲林之農情覓藝)
06-06-2015 淡水 (Tamsui, Taiwan)
06-03-2015 北海岸 (NE Coast, Taiwan)
05-31-2015 NBH (Street Performer)
05-30-2015 Painter / Lotus / NBH
05-28-2015 Airport
05-17-2015 合歡山 ( Central Taiwan )
05-16-2015 烏龜隊 ( 小奇萊‧合歡尖 )
05-10-2015 Mountains (象山)
05-10-2015 NBH
Year 2015 FB Picture
05-2015 Photos
05-03-2015 NBH
05-02-2015 NBH + Tai-An Park
Apr 2015 Photo Set
Apr-19-2015 NBH
Apr-18-2015 Taipei Botanical Garden & NBH
Apr-16-2015 North Coastline, Taipei
Apr-15-2015 Sunset in YMM
Apr-12-2015 台北東區街拍 (Snapshot, Taipei)
Apr-11-2015 NBH ( 郭東榮畫展 )
Apr-06-2015 NBH
Apr-05-2015 Yunlin, Taiwan (雲林崙背鄉)
Apr-03-2015 Yunlin, Taiwan (雲林崙背鄉)
Apr-02-2015 NBH
03-28-2015 NBH
03-2015 Snapshot (Taipei, Taiwan)
03-21-2015 NBH Snapshot
Year 2015 竹作老師傅 (Bamboo Craftman)
02-28-2015 NBH ( People / Plant / Others )
02-27-2015 NBH (Plant / Flower / Others)
02-27-2015 Snapshot (Street)
02-23-2015 NBH (Birds / people / others)
Year 2015 Lunar New year
Year 2015 新春現鳥喜
Year 2015 乙未羊新春
02-18-2015 People & Sakura
02-12-2015 Northern CoastLine
02-10-2015 SYS 春聯
02-12-2015 Hsilo
02-07-2015 SYS 櫻花
02-01-2015 SYS ( Sakura )
Year 2015 Summary
Year 2015 Old People
Year 2015 Snapshot (S1)
Year 2015 Overlayed Pictures (S1)
01-25-2015 雪霸風景篇
01-25-2015 烏龜隊:雪霸觀霧樂山行
01-18-2015 NE Coast (Taiwan)
01-18-2015 SYS
01-11-2011 SYS
01-11-2015 SYS + 松菸
01-03-2015 SYS
01-01-2015 馬拉邦
01-01-2015 Fireworks (Taipei 101) 台北元旦煙火
12-31-103 SYS
11-27-103 Hsilo
12-20-103 SYS
12-12-103 SYS
Others (with Painting)
風景‧夕陽 (Landscape‧Sunset)
Photo set : BirdS 鳥
Nature / 自然生態相片
Landscape / 風景
閩台文化系列 (S1,Ching)
11-06-103 華山
Water‧Sea‧ Sky
11-29-103 SYS
11-23-103 People at SYS
11-22-103 SYS
11-22-103 九合一選舉
11-16-103 SYS
Year 11'103 Snapshot
Year 103 Others
Year 103 Photo (S1)
10-25-103 華山文創園區
Year 10'103 SYS (S1)
09-19-103 Snapshot (SYS + 松菸)
Year 103 / Dennis (S3)
09-14-103 烏龜隊健行 (陽明山公園‧中正山)
Year 103 Sky & Stars
103'09 Snapshot
09-04-103 Hsilo
08-03-103 台北士林官邸
08-02-103 SYS
07-26-103 Northern Coast (Taiwan)
07-20-103 Snapshot (SYS)
07-19-103 Snapshot (Home)
07-12-103 Lotus / 金山清水濕地‧萬里 (Taiwan)
Year 103'07 Snapshot (Street)
07-03-103 金山磺火捕魚 (NE Taiwan)
Year 103'07 Flowers & Snapshot (at Home)
Year 103 影像實驗剪貼
06-21-103 Flower / Home
Year 103 Snapshot (Others)
06-14-103 許捷芳攝影展
06-15-103 桃園觀音賞荷 ( Lotus and Sunflower)
Year 103'Q2 Flower (Home)
06-12-103 曇花
06-11-103 曇花 (記錄用)
Year 103 Office
06-09-103 Olympus EM-1 (Others)
Year 103 Lotus (Selected)
Year 103 荷花‧國父紀念館
06-01-103 華山‧國父紀念館
05-30-10 Home Flower / 曇花 (Night-blooming Cereus)
05-18-103 台北‧植物園‧荷花 (Lotus, Taipei Botanical Garden, Taiwan)
05-17-103 烏龜隊‧九五峰
Year 103 Home
Year 103 Chinese Painting Style
05-10-103 SYS
05-11-103 荷花‧植物園 (Lotus, Botanical Garden, Taipie)
Year 103 (Q2) Dennis (S3)
Year 103 (Q2) Dennis
Year 103 光影
Year 103 / Lotus / S1
05-03-103 華山文創園區
05-04-103 烏龜隊‧九五峰 (新五四運動:健行養身)
Year 103 台灣街頭故事 (Stories by Strets, Taiwan)
Q2'103 SYS
04-26-103 撫台街洋樓 (Old Town part, Taipei)
04-20-103 烏龜隊‧觀音山硬漢嶺
Year 103 (Q2) Others
04-12-103 台北保安宮文化節 (Pao-an Temple, Taipei)
04-05-103 崙背
03-31-103 Class (名師講堂, 秦凱)
04-01-103 CNA's 90th Anniversay
03-23-103 SYS
03-16-103 西門町 (West-Gate Machi, Taipei)
03-09-103 SYS (Lotus, Willow and Reflection)
03-06-103 Class (Dennis) & Street
03-08-103 Others (Exhibition + Street)
02-28-103 Rinpoche & Nicky La
Year 103 (Q1) Snapshot on Streets (Taipei, Taiwan)
Year 103 : Ching Personal Photos
02-25-103 Home
02-23-103 Home
02-23-103 SYS
02-21-103 台南佳里金唐殿 (蜈蚣陣,Tainan, Taiwan)
02-16-103 SYS + Home
02-04-103 千歲宴 ( 在台灣第一代攝影記者之春酒聚會 )
02-04-103 大年初五‧紅梅攬櫻紅 (國父紀念館,Taipei)
02-03-103 文創活動中心
02-02-103 大年初三 (花博‧大稻埕)
01-19-103 黃模淼‧女兒訂婚午宴 (新北市‧汐止‧食養山房)
01-11-103 SYS Memorial Hall (Taipei, Taiwan)
Year 103 (Q1) / Dennis Chin
01-01-103 Prune Blossom (SYS, Taipei, Taiwan)
01-01-103 New Year / Taipei 101
12-28-102 梅花 & Willow (SYS, DKC / Crane : Taipei, Taiwan)
Year 102 攝影集錦目錄 / Photo Set
12-15-102 台北植物園 / Taipei Botanical Garden
11-30-102 華山文創園區
11-23-102 SYS
11-22-102 東北角 NE Coast (Taiwan)
11-17-102 台北植物園 (Taipei Botanical Garden)
11-10-102 Art Effect
11-03-102 烏龜隊 / 紀錄片
11-03-102 紀錄片,國父紀念館
Year 102 (2H) / 秦老爹 Dennis
10-19-102 老爹嫁女兒 (新店豪鼎飯店)
Year 102'2H / Others (w / effect)
Year 102'2H / Home
Year 102 / Snapshop on Streets (Set II)
Year 102'2H SYS
102'2H 烏龜隊
10-01-102 Light
102'Q3 Others
09'102 Taipei (Others)
09-22-102 北美館 & Others
09-21-102 Home
09-20-102 Photo Taipei
09-18-102 Photo Taipei
09-17-102 NG
09-07-102 六龍黃華安 & 其他
08-25-102 北海岸 (N Coast Line, Taiwan)
Y102'Q3 Pictures with Effect
08-18-102 國父紀念館 (SYS, Taipei)
Selection (S1)
08-04-102 北海岸 (N Coast, Taiwan)
08-04-102 烏龜隊 / 尾巴宴
07-27-102 ~ Q3'102 北海岸 (N. Coastline, Taiwan)
07-25-102 陳錫福布袋戲 (Puppet Show)
07-26-102 Selected Lotus
07-16-102 荷花 / 北京行 (Lotus, Beijing, China)
102'Q3 Dennis (老頑童)
102'2H Others
07-06-102 北海岸‧文武廟 (N Coast, Taiwan)
06-30-102 大稻埕節慶 (Temple's Festival, Taiwan)
Year 102 / Classmate
06-23-102 北海岸 ( N Coast, Taiwan )
06-20-102 霞海城隍廟 / 大稻埕 (City God Temple, Taipei)
06-16-102 國父紀念館 ( Sunyihsen Memorial Hall )
Year 102 / 光與影
Year 102 / Lotus 荷花 (總)
06-15-102 植物園、國父紀念館
06-12-102 鳳凰樹 Flame Tree (苗栗造橋,Taiwan)
Year 102 People / Portrait
06-09-102 Taipei Botanical Garden / 植物園
06-02-102 荷花 (NTU Lotus)
06' 102 SYS / 國父紀念館
06-01-102 東北角 & 野柳 (NE Coast & Yehliu)
Year 102 / Lotus 荷花
05-25-102 台中、南投 (Taichung & Nantou, Taiwan)
05-26-102 曇花 (Night-Blooming Cereus)
05-19-102 向陽農場
05-18-102 新北投獅頭旺
05-11-102 金門 (Kinmen, Taiwan)
04-28-102 陽明山、野柳
04-21-102 坪林採春茶 (Tea Garden, Taipei)
Year 102 / Art Effect
04-12-102 田尾公路花園 / Rose Garden (Taiwan)
04-12-102 阿里山瑞峰村 ( Alisan National Forest,Route 162A)
04-07-102 Wave / 海浪
Year 102 / 閩南文化特色
Year 102 集錦
03-23-102 Kapok 木棉花巡禮 (and Others)
03-102 Kapok 木棉花
03-17-102 國父紀念館 (Sunyisen Memorial Hall, Taiepi)
03-14-102 Craftman (Taiwan)
03-09-102 西螺 (Hsilo, Yinlin, Taiwan)
03-10-102 台南府城的記憶 (Taiwan, Taiwan)
CDH Personal (Year 102)
03-01-102 馬拉邦、東洗水山 (烏龜隊)
01-20-102 烏龜隊宜蘭行
02-23-102 SYS (國父紀念館)
02-17-102 CKS
02-15-102 櫻花 Sakura (台北國父紀念館)
02-03-102 河津櫻 (Sakura, SYS)
Q1 102 Flowers
Flowers (Home, Year 102)
Q2'102 雜拍
Q1'102 雜拍
Art Effect (Year 102)
Flowers (Year 102)
Tree 樹
01-01 (Year 102,國父紀念館)
Birds (Year 102)
102'Q2 Dennis Chin (Set III)
102'Q2 Dennis Chin (Set II )
102'Q2 Dennis Chin (Set I)
People and Friends (Year 102)
2012 集錦
12-22-2012 傳藝中心 黃舉人文宅
11-25-2012 侯硐慈惠堂 (瑤池金母)
11-17-2012 台南南鯤身代天府 (凌霄寶殿入火安座,Taiwan)
2012 Dennis Chin 秦老爹
2012 Others
11-05-2012 鍾任壁布袋戲 (教學)
11-04-2012 龜山壽山巖觀音寺 (劉畫師‧門神)
10-20-2012 (10-21-2012,東港東隆宮迎王謝平安) Set II
10-20-2012 (10-21-2012,東港東隆宮迎王謝平安)
10-06-2012 鹿港文教行
11-05-2012 西螺 (福興宮、崇遠堂)
09-09-2012 烏龜隊 九五峰
August 2012 青海行 (青海,鳥與動物)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Students, Printing))
Peach Lijang 2012 (同樂會,07-30-2012)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Class 10, Ching)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Chinese & English Recital)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Peach Students)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Teachers / Teenagers)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Group / Students )
Peach Lijang 2012 (座談會,07-28-2-12)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Anchi : All)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Students, Group, Others)
Peach Lijang 2012 (Frank Chin, 金大哥)
Peach Lijang (Lily's Birthday Party, 07-27-2012)
Peach Lijang (Lily, 2012)
Peach Lijang 2012
Peach Lijang 2012 (Others,KM)
Friends 朋友
Flowers‧荷花 (台北‧植物園,06-17-2012)
Flowers,荷花 (06-09-2012,植物園,Taipei)
People‧人物 (2012, Set II)
Venus's transit on the Sun 金星凌日 (06-06-2012)
Flowers‧荷花 (S7, Lotus / Lily / NTU, 05'2012)
Birds‧植物園 (Taipei Botanicla Garden, 06-02-2012)
Flowers‧蓮花 (S6, Lotus / Lily, 2012)
Flowers‧蓮花 (S5, Lotus / Lily, Q2'2012)
Birds NTU / 鳥 (5-26-2012)
Taipei Open Athletics / 台北國際田徑邀請賽 (05-26-2012)
Flowers‧蓮花 (S3, Lotus / Lily, 2012)
Flowers‧蓮花 (S2, Lotus / Lily, 2012)
Hiking (Group,烏龜隊)
Flowers‧蓮花 (S1, Lily & Lotus, 2012)
Landscape (2012)
Animals (2012)
Bird‧鵲鴝 (Magpie Robin)
Bird‧綠繡眼 (White-Eye)
Bird‧伯勞 (Shrike)
Birds (2012)
Birds (Q2'2012)
Birds (Q1'2012) Set I
Flowers (2012)
Taipei 101 (Taipei, Taiwan) Y12
Taipei 101 (Set II)
SYM‧國父紀念館 (Summer, 2012)
Spring 2012 (SYS, Misc)
Landscpe‧風景 (Misc)
March 2012 (SYS)
Flowers / Home (1Q'2012)
Friends : Hiking (烏龜隊聚餐 / Misc, Year 2012)
陽明山 (12-28-2011)
Greeting and Misc
阿光尾巴宴 (12-25-2011)
Photo / Misc (2H'2011)
Bird View : Arctic & Siberia
CDH Personal (2011)
Birds / Backyard (Chattanooga, TN on Nov 28, 2011)
Birds / Backyard (Chattanooga, TN, Nov'2011)
Chattanooga, TN 查城 (11-25-2011)
TN / NC / GA (Nov 2011)
Birds (TN, 11-2011)
Chattanooga, TN 查城秋色時 (11-15-11)
New York City / 秋色紐約情 II (11-08 ~ 11-12-11)
New York City 秋色紐約情 (11-08-11)
New York City / 秋色紐約情
松山文創公園 (10-10-2011)
Misc (2H'2011)
Lotus / 荷花 (NTU & TPE Botanical Garden,07-02-2011)
陽明山健行露營 (七星山,06-11-2011)
People (2011 ~)