Chris Ntardis ΦΩΤΟgraphy: Queen of Miracles
Chris Ntardis ΦΩΤΟgraphy: Bicolor friendship
rosiehardy: The Search For Validation
rosiehardy: A Love In Bloom (even through the winter)
Panagiota Fotopoulou: Blue moon #blueisthewarmestcolor #fullmoon #africa #uganda
akarakoc: Circles
@Tuncay: (1.5+3)x2
g_kasiaris: Turkey2015-0325
g_kasiaris: Odontotos-0272
g_kasiaris: Turkey2015-0896
whereimnot: etched
rosiehardy: A New Chapter
fidber: a cat in my garden...
Elisa´s caramel: La Pedrera, Gaudí