plowking 740: Astec voyager 140 asphalt plant and silo.
plowking 740: Plant control shack
plowking 740: Plant control shack
plowking 740: Plant control shack
deltic21_photography: 20240623-IMG_6363
Michael Davis Photography: Cathay Pacific Cargo Boeing 747-867F (B-LJD)
Moffat Road: Winston meet
jamesbelmont: Foss River Trestle
Moffat Road: Into the canyons of the Arkansas River
brusbybrusby: L1000296 b&w
brusbybrusby: L1000296 color
Mathias Leon Fischer: Romantic Evening
Moffat Road: Java in wintertime
KellyKooper: Thank you
PAcarhauler: Mack F600: Hiram Wakeman Inc #13
jamesbelmont: Snow at Santaquin Siding
Truck Photos by Seth Granville: DSNY Bk.5 25BR783 "Pride of the Department"
Electric Crayon: Texaco Sign - Old Barn - Oregon