softG: Heywood Wakefield stamp on the underside of the chairs
softG: Chair model stamp
softG: chair datestamp
softG: upholstery super close-up 4
softG: upholstery super close-up 3
softG: upholstery super close-up 2
softG: upholstery super close up
softG: upholstery pattern
softG: Chair outdoors
softG: 3 of 6 chairs together
softG: chair close-up
softG: back of chair
softG: Heywood Wakefield signature M154A dining chair
softG: Heywood Wakefield stamp
softG: Table model stamp
softG: leather covers
softG: leather covers laid out
softG: Table extended w/both leaves
softG: in context with the living room
softG: Heywood Wakefield with ends folded down
softG: Heywood Wakefield
softG: Jerry's Wine Bottle Window
softG: Jerry's Pad 5
softG: Jerry's Pad 4
softG: Jerry's Door
softG: Jerry's Pad 3
softG: Jerry's Pad 2
softG: Jerry's Pad1
softG: Jerry's Yard
softG: Jerry's House 2