ryoresident: # 00582
ryoresident: # 00579
Wicca Merlin / Digital Artist / Wicca's Originals: Discovering the patterns of my soul and where it’s placed
Wicca Merlin / Digital Artist / Wicca's Originals: Wicca's Originals @ Engine Room // March 2024
Skippy Beresford: Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
Pls-NoFav-Unless-Truely-Liked: The clock of life is wound but once And no one has the power To tell just when the hands will stop, At late or early hour. Now is the only time you can live, love, and toil with a will; Place no faith in tomorrow, for the clock may then be still.
Skye McLeod Fairywren, Blogger: Fifi, this is your new little sister - be nice! ♥♥
Skye McLeod Fairywren, Blogger: True beauty lies in the purity of the heart
Skye McLeod Fairywren, Blogger: Children don’t need more things. The best toys a child can have is a parent who gets down on the floor and plays with them.
*** Tia ***: [BLOG-13] For Moon Dust, EXO, False Deity, PAIX, SHIMM and The Darkness Event
*** Tia ***: [BLOG-34] For Inkling, YK and The Darkness Event
*** Tia ***: [BLOG-39] For OBR, KiB Designs and The Darkness Event
*** Tia ***: [BLOG-40] For NORUSH, AnaStyle, DO INK, eerie, Effervescence and The Darkness Event
*** Tia ***: [BLOG-46] For Anastyle, Dead Dolls and The Darkness Event
lfrit: Blur out negativity
Vexx Daines: Sucked Out
Vexx Daines: Trick or Treat!
__Marcela__: New Post #4155
Skippy Beresford: Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.
Ella Pavlona: L'Homme Magazine - November 2023 - Konoha
Ella Pavlona: Neo-Japan SL Event Photo Contest 13 - [ellapavlona resident]
Ella Pavlona: L'Homme Magazine SL - May 2024 - Konoha
Weedyblue: Wait