Tёma Goridovets: Mitsubishi RVR
Legoloverman: Turtle with Missile Launcher
Devid VII: Military trooper X59
Ballom Nom Nom: Casque Goldbug
skroberto: commissar
skroberto: biped
skroberto: scale
skroberto: hex_variant
skroberto: bullfrog
nobu_tary: Gundam Ground Type
skroberto: hex_variant
Deltassius: FT-9x Lancer
umamen: LEGO: MS-09G DOM & MS-09G DOWADGE
Ogel Peace: micro-koma
skroberto: spodertonk
Blackpenny Industries: Carthuns Finest
markwisski: Solar Union: The Green Monster
lucbyard: Blacktron Rectifier
trochanter: Microfighter Hammerhead Corvette
Xenovorous: Brandish
Xenovorous: Slither
Xenovorous: Captain
chubbybots: skull knight04
chubbybots: skull knight02
TenorPenny: Armour Transport
chubbybots: skull knight wip01
chubbybots: 656-01
wray20641: Incantatum Quidditch team
LEGOLIZE IT MAN: APA sci-fi factory