speech path girl: Delphinium
liofoto: Scène de reflets
loic.pettiti: Alive !
Duncan Blackburn: How Many? (Explore 14 December 2016)
Manuel G.S.: Stokknes
Toni Sanchis: Cuando no sabes ...
HJP68: Râle d'Eau / Wasserrallee
Michele Naro: Makari Moods V
dechab: Ruminons en paix !
lichtbild_total: Landscape
Alematrix: _MG_9020
wolffslicht: Venice opponents
Gary Fairhead: Winter White
Enrico Boggia | Photography: #084 In fire | Explore
Jean Fry: Daybreak over the misty fields_NK2_3335
MichaelaSMillion: Tracks to the Fog
Simon Huynh: On a lonely ROAD...(In Explore # 22)
dwfphoto: Endurance
alpenbild.de: Castello Toblino - explore.35
protsalke: Calma en el Crepúsculo... (14/12/2016)
kevansunderland: Jabiru Stork In Flight With Nesting Materials Pantanal Brazil
JJFET: Life is not a bed of Roses
andreassofus: Calmness
enneafive: Cows
zebedee1971: Stop the sun going down!
Mike Ridley.: Subterranean .....
C A Soukup: 2nd Beach