dngrby: Leica M2
dngrby: 2020-06-12_02-32-44
dngrby: 2020-06-11_10-34-53
dngrby: 2020-06-11_10-34-25
dngrby: 2020-06-11_10-34-10
dngrby: 2020-06-11_10-33-39
dngrby: 2020-06-11_10-32-37
dngrby: Evening rush home
dngrby: Metro Station
dngrby: Dulles airport
dngrby: National botanical garden
dngrby: Straightened and cropped in post, this shot was handheld at something like a 15 or 10/s and wide open at 1.9
dngrby: Walking the Potomac towards Georgetown
dngrby: Korean War Memorial, Washington D.C.
dngrby: Borrowed my brother's Voigtlander bessa r3m and Pentax fa43 and ran a few rolls of Portra400 through it.
dngrby: IMGP2646
dngrby: IMGP2617
dngrby: Colon anchorage
dngrby: M.Charles
dngrby: Out and about
dngrby: Get it
dngrby: Superstar
dngrby: Gecko
dngrby: poor fella
dngrby: North coast paradise
dngrby: first beach wandering
dngrby: Tanuuu
dngrby: Hungry boy
dngrby: vivider
dngrby: Naka