_Natasa_: Dream As You Will Live Forever - Live As You Will Die Today
_Natasa_: Some Of The Biggest Moves You'll Ever Make Are Internal
_Natasa_: Falling Down Is An Accident, Staying Down Is A Choice
_Natasa_: Believe Those Who Are Seeking The Truth - Doubt Those Who Find It
_Natasa_: Worry About Your Character, Not Your Reputation. Your Character is Who You Are. Your Reputation is Who People Think You Are
_Natasa_: When You're Happy, You Enjoy The Music. When You're Sad, You Understand The Lyrics
_Natasa_: Your Cells Are Listening To Your Thoughts - What Are You Telling Them?
_Natasa_: Seek Respect, Not Attention - It Lasts Longer
_Natasa_: Still Waters Run Deep
_Natasa_: Time Has A Wonderful Way Of Showing Us What Really Matters [Explored 28/3/24]
_Natasa_: In The End, We Only Regret The Chances We Didn't Take
_Natasa_: Be The Type Of Person Who Leaves A Mark, Not A Scar
_Natasa_: You Only Lose What You Cling To [Explored 24/9/23]
_Natasa_: The Meaning Of Life Is To Find Your Gift. The Purpose Of Life Is To Give It Away
_Natasa_: The Days That Break You Are The Days That Make You
_Natasa_: Faith Makes All Things Possible, Love Makes All Things Easy
_Natasa_: May All That Has Been Reduced To Noise In You, Become Music Again
_Natasa_: If You See Someone Without A Smile, Give Them Yours [Explored 21/8/23]
_Natasa_: The Soul That Sees Beauty May Sometimes Walk Alone
_Natasa_: Happiness Is How You Feel About Yourself When You're By Yourself
_Natasa_: Always Give Without Remembering & Always Receive Without Forgetting
_Natasa_: Maturity Is Realising How Many Things Don't Require Your Opinion
_Natasa_: Old Ways Won't Open New Doors
_Natasa_: Never Let Your Memories Be Greater Than Your Dreams
_Natasa_: The Best View Comes After The Hardest Climb [Explored 12/9/22]
_Natasa_: Today's Moments Are Tomorrow's Memories [Explored 11/08/22]
_Natasa_: There Is A Voice That Doesn't Use Words. Listen.
_Natasa_: If It Doesn't Open, It's Not Your Door
_Natasa_: Life Is A Series Of Thousands of Tiny Miracles. Notice Them.
_Natasa_: Storms Make Trees Take Deeper Roots {Explored 25/11/21]