The Devil Puppet: Mad #531 GTA Road Rage Illustration
The Devil Puppet: Mad #531 Reality Stars Illustration
The Devil Puppet: Eltingville Membership Card
The Devil Puppet: Blinky Watson
The Devil Puppet: The Green Goblin
The Devil Puppet: The Gray Gargoyle
The Devil Puppet: Josh Levy
The Devil Puppet: The Wrecker
The Devil Puppet: The Beast
The Devil Puppet: Joe Gargagliano, Retailer
The Devil Puppet: The Mole Man
The Devil Puppet: Super Pathos
The Devil Puppet: Eltingville #2 Panel in Progress
The Devil Puppet: Bill Dickey Pin-Up Inks
The Devil Puppet: Jerk in Progress: Josh Pin-Up Pencils
The Devil Puppet: Jerk in Progress: Bill Pin-Up Pencils
The Devil Puppet: Jerk in Progress: Jerry Pin-Up Pencils
The Devil Puppet: Jerk in Progress: Pete Pin-Up Pencils
The Devil Puppet: Lo, There Shall Be an Epilogue!
The Devil Puppet: Jim Unger, 1979
The Devil Puppet: Chester Gould, 1968
The Devil Puppet: Jimmy Hatlo and wife, Eleanor, 1946
The Devil Puppet: Jules Feiffer, 1980
The Devil Puppet: Super Martian Robot Girl Sketch Card
The Devil Puppet: It! Sketch Card