David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Patrick Mannens, person in charge of the orchid collection of the National Botanical Garden of Belgium, in a very conserved cloud forest with giant Aroids in Farallones de Cali. During an 11 days tour I guided in Valle del Cauca and Cauca depts, Colombia.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Merry Christmas to all of you! The orchid that blooms now symbolizing the most this period of the year is my Sophronitis (Cattleya) coccinea with its vibrant red-orange color bringing happiness during the shorter, darker days (yes even in Cali, Colombia).
Gabriel Paladino Ibáñez:
Frozen wonder
Lepanthes2010... 7,800,000 VIEWS:
Pleurothallis stevensonii
greggys stuff:
Arctium minus (Lesser Burdock)
Jay Packer:
Ophrys splendida
Jose Luis_Santamaría:
Anacamptis coriophora subsp. fragrans
Ophrys apifera var. trollii
Ophrys chestermanii
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Ophrys fuciflora in situ. Small gem, hairy to attract its pollinator, imitating the female of the insect to fool the male which will try to reproduce with the flower, this one will use it to transport its pollen (pollinia). Namur province, Belgium.
Anacamptis xolida & A. coriophora
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Back to my origins, enjoying spring with an old European or Common Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) in Montigny-le-Tilleul, Belgium.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
25 years ago, a photo of a similar phenomenon where the clouds seemed to roll like waves over the mountains of Sierra de Las Minas amazed me in Guatemala. Last month, I observed the same kind of show over the mountains of Valle del Cauca dept, Colombia.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Tourists picturing orchids in situ during an EXCEPTIONAL 14 DAYS TOUR I just guided for a 2nd group of the French Orchidology Federation. All records of observation beaten: 235 ORCHID SPECIES BLOOMING IN SITU in Colombia. Reserve yours.
fiori d'italia:
Fagaceae Quercus trojana
Lepanthes2010... 7,800,000 VIEWS:
Andinia pilosella
Saurauia napaulensis DC. 1822 (ACTINIDIACEAE).
Simon Stobart:
Galina Chernova:
Pimenta Puma (C.chinense)
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Rhetus dysonii butterflies (Riodinidae family) in pre mountain humid forest where I live. Again enjoying the tremendous biodiversity of Farallones de Cali, this time during a 7 days tour I just guided for Eduard Kolarik in Valle del Cauca dept, Colombia.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Sometimes it is worth enjoying opportunities ! Pristine pool in the super wet tropical jungles at 400 m asl in the biogeographic Choco. Again enjoying the tremendous biodiversity of Colombia during a 7 days tour I just guided in Valle del Cauca dept.
Eerika Schulz:
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Soul inspiring landscapes: the complexity and majesty of mountains next to Chicamocha river Canyon in the eastern mountain range of the Andes. Picture taken with the phone from the bus riding, pretty early in the morning, Santander department, Colombia.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Natural habitat (cloud forest) of Odontoglossum crocidipterum, Santander departament, Colombia. Odontoglossum symbolizes for me the more mythical and handsome of andean orchids to see in situ. I was dreaming to see this one in situ for more than 15 years.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Natural habitat (cloud forest) of Odontoglossum crocidipterum, Santander departament, Colombia. Odontoglossum symbolizes for me the more mythical and handsome of andean orchids to see in situ. I was dreaming to see this one in situ for more than 15 years.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Soul inspiring landscapes: rainfall coming on the mountains covered with mainly unexplored and almost untouched forests of Santander department, Colombia. On the tallest summits, in the bottom of the image, there is paramo ecosystem over 3000 m asl.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia:
Enjoying what I like the most and makes me feel alive, happy and free: nature and all its diversity! Pre paramo ecosystem with Paramiflos glandulosus (ex Espeletia glandulosa, Asteraceae family), Boyacá department, Colombia.