insan: pre160927_064_1
電峰扇: 2015-04-27拍攝 蓮華池藥用植物標本園-螢火蟲
insan: 婚攝英聖_婚紗作品_淡水沙崙海灘_夕陽婚紗-20151112165817-1920
guitar_lover_tw: LY6A0690_WORD
guitar_lover_tw: 7M1C1627_3600_W
rosiehardy: The last tornado
阿Len: 象象狂想曲 Ruifang, Taiwan _
Donfer Lu: 20140922pic001
SingerWang: DSC_4028-精彩水金九
seahorse4907: 金九公路
Mr.MoMo_MoMo桑: 天元宮吉野櫻 夜櫻拍攝心得
Darren White Photography: Flames on the Fence
art_jerry: 新店之眼雲彩變化4
art_jerry: 新店之眼-101背景
I C E I N N: 張采寧 ● Winnie
Willie Huang Photo: Phantom of the Canyon
Ko Min, Chuang: Arch Of The Milky Way@ Uluru(Ayers Rock)
stand Lin: 石門 星軌
Adrian Sommeling: Sea of Green
Adrian Sommeling: Bullet time
Tony DeFilippo: USMC Scholorship Foundation Golf Tourney