*Gebrüder Grims Schlaraffenland*: Barbie couln`t sleep..
*Gebrüder Grims Schlaraffenland*: I don`t care who you are, you`re over your luggage limit!
*Gebrüder Grims Schlaraffenland*: I can`t belive that I charged a million dollars on my credit card
*Gebrüder Grims Schlaraffenland*: Barbie Olympic Ski Village
*Gebrüder Grims Schlaraffenland*: Barbie`s Olympic Ski Village
*Gebrüder Grims Schlaraffenland*: Go for a spin in the snow saucer!
*Gebrüder Grims Schlaraffenland*: Barbies Cool 70ies Pool