boutin_benjamin: edit one finals (6 of 10)
boutin_benjamin: edit two (4 of 7)
scott.keysor: In Portland near the ocean gate terminal there was once a grand pier that has rotted away. This is what remains.
scott.keysor: The ocean gate terminal is behind the rotting pier posts. I like the contrast of what was and what is now.
brilliantbrunette76: Environmental Shot
scott.keysor: DSC_0220
akeithra: After
katdancer01: Exposure
summabum14: detail-dramatic shadows
akeithra: Bubbles sitting
scott.keysor: DSC_0071
rogalsgirl7: picture2
brilliantbrunette76: man with dog
justinchilds: Project Proposal #3
brilliantbrunette76: Love_by_jpdean
katdancer01: Hanging out with my best friend
scott.keysor: Establishing Shot
scott.keysor: DSC_0140
akeithra: portrait 11
brilliantbrunette76: Portrait 14
scott.keysor: DSC_0165
katdancer01: Exposure 5
scott.keysor: Soccer