Zomb0id: P1000994
Zomb0id: P1000910
Zomb0id: P1000911
Sadomina: Zumpferl_Faceup01
Thundermark: Nice Kitty 1
Zomb0id: P1060238
Zomb0id: P1060239
Zomb0id: P1000964
Rakeru Space: Casting procedure just started....!
Rakeru Space: Little by little
Rakeru Space: Feel sooo happy! First Ennis are starting to arrive to their new homes, this one is awesome, custom and make up by Nadège! I just love how different she is, and how her features can fit different styles, makes me feel so proud. Thank you!!!
Rakeru Space: And... Another Enni arrival! This girl and picture belong to the nice Yisaki! Love her with this hair and outfit! Feel so proud and happy!
Rakeru Space: Cute Enni girls ready to be packaged!
HellenaN: Ayna
HellenaN: Ayna
Xeniya_: Enni
Rakeru Space: Enni Sweet Elf
Rakeru Space: Enni Sweet Elf boy version <3
Rakeru Space: Enni Sweet Elf
Littlefishb0wl: Andromeda's New Antlers :3
Youkosilvara: Kami (Ôkami, Sweet Elf Enni by Rakeru Sensei)
Rakeru Space: Preorder Tomorrow
--Ariana--: My Princess <3
--Ariana--: Lovely girl
Rakeru Space: Enni and Enni Sweet Elf preorder
Rubi_neverend: P1110253