100 Peaks: If she only knew what I did for a living
100 Peaks: Pacific blackberries near the trailhead
100 Peaks: Continuing to drop with views to the west
100 Peaks: View from Peak 4292 in Kanaka Flat
100 Peaks: Mushrooms along the trail
100 Peaks: The neighboring ranches in Kanaka Flat
100 Peaks: Kanaka Flat Trail Sign 2
100 Peaks: Kanaka Flat Trail Sign 1
100 Peaks: The open grasslands in the lower part of the Kanaka Flat Trail
100 Peaks: Lupines along the Kanaka Loop Trail
100 Peaks: Dropping back down along the Kanaka Flat Trail
100 Peaks: On the Kanaka Loop Trail below Peak 4292
100 Peaks: Heading into the pines
100 Peaks: Santa Ysabel Creek, June 2019 2
100 Peaks: a king snake along the trail
100 Peaks: Gopher snake along the trail
100 Peaks: Lupines along the Kanaka Flat Trail
100 Peaks: Santa Ysabel Creek, June 2019
100 Peaks: More lupines along the Kanaka Flat Trail-2
100 Peaks: On the way to the oak trees
100 Peaks: Santa Ysabel Creek, February 2019
100 Peaks: Frozen trail in February 2019
100 Peaks: In June 2018, it was very green
100 Peaks: You will always see cows on the Kanaka Flat Trail