100 Peaks: A first peek into the San DIego River Gorge along the Inaja Hill Trail
100 Peaks: A nice trail through the manzanita
100 Peaks: Benchmark atop Inaja Hill
100 Peaks: Memorial Plaque at the Inaja Memorial Picnic Site
100 Peaks: Mountain finder atop Inaja Hill
100 Peaks: Picnic Tables and BBQs at the Inaja Memorial Picnic Site
100 Peaks: Shaded Picnic tables at the Inaja Memorial Picnic Site
100 Peaks: The mountains that you can see from Inaja Hill
100 Peaks: The San Diego River Gorge from Inaja Hill
100 Peaks: The view down into the Santa Ysabel Grasslands from Inaja Hill
100 Peaks: The view of the San Diego RIver Gorge from Inaja Hill