100 Peaks: A look back down to Little Lakes Valley
100 Peaks: Coming down the other size of Mono Pass
100 Peaks: Jason at work
100 Peaks: The Silver Divide from near Mono Pass
100 Peaks: Back to Upper Trail Lake
100 Peaks: Mono Creek Valley from the trail
100 Peaks: Crossing Golden Creek
100 Peaks: Night glow
100 Peaks: Alpenglow reflection
100 Peaks: Alpenglow on Fourth Recess Lake
100 Peaks: Post-swim glow at Fourth Recess Lake
100 Peaks: Our campsite from my swimming beach
100 Peaks: The view from my swimming beach
100 Peaks: Fourth Recess Lake
100 Peaks: Jason standing on a boulder across the lake
100 Peaks: Our tents at Fourth Recess Lake
100 Peaks: Getting water from the lake in the morning looking north
100 Peaks: Getting water from the lake in the morning looking south
100 Peaks: Fourth Recess Lake from near our campsite
100 Peaks: Upper Trail Lake with Mono Pass Peak above
100 Peaks: Wildifre in the distance
100 Peaks: A look down to Pioneer Basin across the valley
100 Peaks: Crystal clear Summit Lake
100 Peaks: Relaxing by Summit Lake
100 Peaks: Sandy Mono Pass
100 Peaks: The last climb to Mono Pass
100 Peaks: Getting closer to Mono Pass
100 Peaks: Mono Pass Trail above Ruby Lake, Mount Morgan on the left
100 Peaks: Ruby Lake Outlet Creek
100 Peaks: Rising above Little Lakes Valley