100 Peaks: A few minutes on the wrong trail, but the flower bloom was worth it
100 Peaks: Carrizo Scenic Overlook sign
100 Peaks: Flowers blooming near the top of Peak 3339
100 Peaks: Friendly lizard on the trail
100 Peaks: Me, happy at the Peak 3339 Trailhead
100 Peaks: Mountain Lion Tracks were everywhere
100 Peaks: Pano from Peak 3339
100 Peaks: Pano from the trail, Peak 3339 in the distant right of center
100 Peaks: The desert was pretty green
100 Peaks: The green desert meadow
100 Peaks: The view north from thr trailhead, Sombrero Peak in the distance
100 Peaks: The view west from Peak 3339 - My car is parked on the ridge
100 Peaks: The way out is up
100 Peaks: The way to Peak 3339 is down
100 Peaks: View to the east from Peak 3339
100 Peaks: Yucca bloom along the trail