100 Peaks: @zapplegate at the saddle between Mount Markham and Mount Lowe
100 Peaks: At the top of Mount Lowe
100 Peaks: Bloggers on the trail
100 Peaks: Enduring the flies and sharing stories on Mount Deception
100 Peaks: Heading back through the tunnel
100 Peaks: Mount Deception from Mount Disappointment
100 Peaks: Mount Disappointment Benchmark
100 Peaks: Mount Markham and Mount Lowe from the trail
100 Peaks: Mount Wilson from Mount Lowe
100 Peaks: Mount Wilson from San Gabriel Peak
100 Peaks: Mout Markham Summit Cairn
100 Peaks: On the way to Mount Lowe
100 Peaks: Post-Hike libation
100 Peaks: San Gabriel Peak and Mount Disappointment from Mount Markham
100 Peaks: San Gabriel Peak Benchmark
100 Peaks: San Gabriel Peak from the trail
100 Peaks: Socal Hiker on Mount Disappointment
100 Peaks: Summit Cairn on San Gabriel Peak
100 Peaks: The most documented hike ever
100 Peaks: The old tunnel
100 Peaks: The rough ridge to Mount Markham
100 Peaks: The trail to Mount Deception
100 Peaks: The trail to Mount Deception
100 Peaks: The trail to Mount Deception
100 Peaks: The tunnel, good for shade on a sunny day
100 Peaks: The view from the trail