100 Peaks: Aim towards this blue ribbon
100 Peaks: At the edge of the 4th Basin on Dry Lakes Ridge
100 Peaks: Bear Scat on the Dry Lakes Ridge Trail
100 Peaks: Heading out and looking back to basin #4
100 Peaks: Ice Can Stove in Dry Lakes Ridge
100 Peaks: In basin #2 on Dry Lakes Ridge
100 Peaks: In the first basin
100 Peaks: In the second basin on Dry Lakes Ridge
100 Peaks: It was pretty cold at the trailhead
100 Peaks: Overgrown Trail on Dry Lakes Ridge
100 Peaks: The first basin on Dry Lakes Ridge
100 Peaks: The trail up to Dry Lakes Ridge
100 Peaks: The view north towards Piedra Blanca from Dry Lakes Ridge
100 Peaks: The view to basin #5, brush was too high for my mood
100 Peaks: Where I am right now.