100 Peaks: Another great trip
100 Peaks: At the rental counter, about 1AM
100 Peaks: Back into the Wild. River.
100 Peaks: Bighorn Sheep on the Wheeler Peak Trail
100 Peaks: Chipmunk after salt on Wheeler Peak
100 Peaks: From Wheeler Peak, you can see our tent to the right of the lake and trail at the edge of the tree line
100 Peaks: I get a few nibbles
100 Peaks: Looking down from the Wheeler Peak Trail
100 Peaks: Me, at the top of New Mexico
100 Peaks: Marmot on Wheeler Peak
100 Peaks: Me, at the top of New Mexico
100 Peaks: Me, contemplating the achievement
100 Peaks: Me, feeling good on the Wheeler Peak Trail
100 Peaks: Myself, enjoying the scenery of Willams Lake Basin, all to ourselves for the night
100 Peaks: Our tent at Willams Lake
100 Peaks: Our tent in the shadow of Wheeler Peak
100 Peaks: Out of the wild
100 Peaks: Ready to go
100 Peaks: Peak 12819 and Lake Fork Peak from Wheeler Peak Summit
100 Peaks: Ready to go
100 Peaks: Rio Grande, Wild River area
100 Peaks: Simpson Peak and Old Mike Peak from Wheeler Peak
100 Peaks: Talus trail on the way down from Wheeler Peak
100 Peaks: Taos Ski Area from Wheeler Peak
100 Peaks: The creek on the southwest side of Williams Lake
100 Peaks: The PD climbing the Wheeler Peak Trail
100 Peaks: The PD fishing on the Rio Grande
100 Peaks: The PD going down to the Rio Grande
100 Peaks: The PD on Wheeler Peak
100 Peaks: The Rio Grande