100 Peaks: Water tank at Montecito Peak trail head
100 Peaks: Sign at Montecito Peak Trail head
100 Peaks: Mountain bike bells at Montecito Peak Trail head
100 Peaks: Monetico Peak from Cold Springs Trail
100 Peaks: Cairn at the top of Montecito Peak
100 Peaks: Summit Register at the top of Montecito Peak
100 Peaks: Benchmark at the top of Montecito Peak
100 Peaks: Memorial at the top of Montecito Peak
100 Peaks: Looking north from the Camino Cielo
100 Peaks: Sunrise from Camino Cielo
100 Peaks: 1/4 mile from the top, but had to turn around again. Ran out of time. 3rd time will be the charm.
100 Peaks: Up and up
100 Peaks: 45 min into my hike. Heading to the top if time permits.
100 Peaks: Almost made it to the top, but I have a meeting this morning...
100 Peaks: Made it to the fire road. Once again, foggy below
100 Peaks: Summit
100 Peaks: Milestone #2: getting close to the top. @bijapoo
100 Peaks: This is why I start hiking in the dark.
100 Peaks: Down at that fire road is where I took my last picture.
100 Peaks: Sunrise from the fire road. Sea level is hidden by clouds.
100 Peaks: Made it to the fire road again. Gotta wake up earlier
100 Peaks: Not making it to the top this morning
100 Peaks: Eucalyptus Tree on the Cold Spring Trail
100 Peaks: Hiking in the dark to Montecito Peak
100 Peaks: Made it to the fire road
100 Peaks: The fire road down below
100 Peaks: View from the top of Montecito Peak
100 Peaks: Why I start hiking in the dark
100 Peaks: A chilly morning with Montecito Peak in the distance
100 Peaks: Getting closer to Montecito Peak