Dave 2x: Red Kangaroo (Osphranter rufus)
yorkieface: Old Police Fire and Ambulance Office Airdrie Burgh
David Hamments: Antony Gormley Sculpture
Cameron Hanks | Photography: Fairy Pool | Scotland
Alejandro Gutiérrez Tapia: CHUNGARÁ LAKE, CHILE
Dave 2x: Black-fronted Dotterel (Elseyornis melanops)
Alejandro Gutiérrez Tapia: MEN'S BEST FRIEND
David Hamments: DSC_1048.jpg
JarHTC: You are talking to me?
J Swanstrom (Never enough time...): Labor day '14 - Tybee Island 1
Darren Schiller: Ben Bullen Station
jordanalanda: Sweet Sookie
janecumming33: In The Pink
kevinlubin: Plant
tonydawe1: Scarlet-Bellied Mountain Tanager
Nat Murray: Freddo, Australia Zoo
eejayflipper: Alfie and Freeda
aaron-and-alicia: not my dog
aaron-and-alicia: Don't Worry
viemme: Oscar
Paula Cheese: dallas
Cactipal: Ferocactus glaucescens