Coenie's Photography: Jaws of death
Coenie's Photography: Kudu for Breakfast
Coenie's Photography: King of Kruger
Coenie's Photography: Leopard on the move
Coenie's Photography: Totally Relaxed Leopard
Coenie's Photography: Old Dagga Boy - one of my favorite animals to (photo) shoot
Coenie's Photography: Long-crested Eagle - Tzaneen - South Africa
Coenie's Photography: Hippo show-off
Coenie's Photography: Young Leopard
Coenie's Photography: Dagga Boy - one of my favorite animals to (photo)shoot.
Coenie's Photography: Thirsty Scarface
Coenie's Photography: Elephants in dry summer heat
Coenie's Photography: Southern white-faced owl
Coenie's Photography: African Wild Dog on the hunt.
Coenie's Photography: Brown Snake Eagle
Coenie's Photography: Southern ground hornbill
Coenie's Photography: Focused Lion King
Coenie's Photography: Malachite Kingfisher- Klaserie Dam South Africa.
Coenie's Photography: Martial Eagle at work
Coenie's Photography: This is mine
Coenie's Photography: Beautiful Dagga Boy
Coenie's Photography: Martial eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus) - South Africa.
Coenie's Photography: Focused on .........
Coenie's Photography: The European bee-eater (Merops apiaster) - South Africa
Coenie's Photography: African hawk-eagle
Coenie's Photography: Winter time ........
Coenie's Photography: Leopard siesta .........