KennY 桜健: 琴平
Sizun Eye: Urban reflections
Sorin Popovich: Parisian skyline
Siréliss: The Advent
robcharette1: The Bridge Out
philippe.vandendaele: Fin de journée sur Coxyde, Belgique
iwona_podlasinska: Adam and the cat (underneath the Christmas tree)
timerreset: 859A5332
張韻甯: IMG_9546
KennY 桜健: Meow~~
Marco Ottaviani on/off: Zygaena purpuralis su Lychnis flos-jovis
KennY 桜健: Wall painting
KennY 桜健: good night our city
KennY 桜健: Firework
KennY 桜健: Window?
KennY 桜健: Candle
Vickie Liong: DSC02725
johnnywkyip: 雞公嶺
KennY 桜健: Lai King_HK