呂奐逵: DC0_8624-2
呂奐逵: R0090540
阿福福: F-CK-1B(10004)
Peter Stewart Photography: Heart of Darkness
chs6065: IMG_6213
Darren LoPrinzi: Checkered Passed
阿福福: F-CK-1A(1427)
Nick green2012: /\/\/\/\/\/\ ::::
Nick green2012: Is it Safe
Vincent_Ting: Tea farm at Mountain Dalun大崙山茶園
Darren LoPrinzi: Patterns of Light
DeepSkyColors: Cosmic Palette II
garylestrangephotography: Antelope Canyon black and white
- Etude -: Writing on the Wall
Vincent_Ting: Foggy Village 埔里
samyaoo: Hotel View
Johnson Barros: My office
a920060722: Take me surfing
DeepSkyColors: Dust Angel
chs6065: IMG_7124-2
Nick green2012: -----¥--------- --------------------------------
samyaoo: 夜幕
Darren LoPrinzi: Pyramidal
張語軒: 中橫