marcossilvariverfalls: Mallard couple
Franchesco cr: Valverde de los arroyos
Ker Kaya: Flower's secret
blackstation: 红色天际 / the red skyline
Franchesco cr: Cascada en la ruta Eifonso
gervanioweb: Dream...
AlbOst: Morning dew.
AlbOst: Pitullie Castle.
AlbOst: Shelducks.
AlbOst: New shoots in b&w.
AlbOst: Twins.
AlbOst: Forth Valley sunset.
AlbOst: Two skies.
AlbOst: In flight.
AlbOst: Looks like rain in Edinburgh.
AlbOst: Sunshine and shadow.
AlbOst: Leaf.
AlbOst: Out here in the fields. . .
Franchesco cr: Ninfa de mantis religiosa
Franchesco cr: Cabo Home
Franchesco cr: Decadencia
Franchesco cr: Atardecer de verano
Franchesco cr: Aguila Calva
keithy baby!: Nineteen Arches Bridge, Arklow, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.
keithy baby!: Coronation Plantation, Co. Wicklow
keithy baby!: Arklow Harbour Sunrise.
frazzazza: Lago di Garda
frazzazza: Lago di Garda