watsonjerry10: Washing Up Before Dinner
watsonjerry10: Male Stigmomantis carolina
watsonjerry10: Newly Emerged Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula.
watsonjerry10: North American Freshwater Crayfish - A Decapod from Family Astacidae.
watsonjerry10: North American Freshwater Crayfish - A Decapod from Family Astacidae.
watsonjerry10: Spotted Lanternfly Instar
watsonjerry10: What in the world kind of fly is this?
watsonjerry10: An Aphid Parthenogenetically Reproducing
watsonjerry10: Aphids On A Rosebush.
watsonjerry10: Red Tailed Hawk With Dinner
watsonjerry10: Dog Tooth Lily - - - -
watsonjerry10: Blue Heron Waiting for a Chance to Eat my Fish
watsonjerry10: Male Spider Showing Enlarged Pedipalps and Guarding His Web.
watsonjerry10: Queen European Hornet - Vespa crabro.
watsonjerry10: Luna Moth Caterpillar
watsonjerry10: ......Said the Spider to the Fly. - Parasteadoda tepidariorum
watsonjerry10: Gem Studded Puffball Mushroom - Lycoperdon perlatum.
watsonjerry10: Spotted Lanternfly - Lycorma delicatula
watsonjerry10: Camel Cricket - Orthoptera
watsonjerry10: A Syrphid Fly of the Genus Sphaerophoria
watsonjerry10: Wolf Spider - Lycosidae.
watsonjerry10: An Odd Leafhopper - Cicadellidae
watsonjerry10: A Really Nice Heffer From The Clearfield County, PA Fair -
watsonjerry10: A Neat Pic of a Netted Slug - Denoceras reticulatum
watsonjerry10: Male Carpenter Bee - Xylocopa virginica
watsonjerry10: Cone head Grasshopper
watsonjerry10: Stigmomantis Carolina - He’s had a fight and lost his left raptorial leg.
watsonjerry10: Ambush Bug - Phymatidae
watsonjerry10: Pill Bug - Isopod - Armadillidiidae Family.
watsonjerry10: A Winged Alate Ant