Lee.Fly: blister in the sun
Lee.Fly: Snowday!
Lee.Fly: a new york state of mind
Lee.Fly: checkmate
Peaf79: Treb Pays a Visit
Peaf79: Dream Boy
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): 34-52 propeller ears
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): why walk when you can skip?
Dave (www.DogversationsBook.com): the other side of the dock
Elise Arod: Dotty Dalmatian
e_impact: Love
e_impact: Boy and Great Dane
jciv: Are you ready for Arachtober?
jciv: Arachtober 27
jciv: Landing
jciv: Merry Christmas
jciv: A Wave Is Coming
jciv: Did Santa bring what you wanted?
Giant_Schnauzer: schnauzer
DebinSD: 6/12 - Sunset Stack
DebinSD: 8/12 - Sunset Beauty