Giovanni88Ant: Eleven O'Clock High
RZ68: Welcome Transamerica Building Color
Luca Libralato: Manarola Lights
-Little Voice-: Once Upon A Time You Told Me You Loved Me {Explored #95}
k♫: *
espinozr: Human in Geometry
McSnowHammer: Lucas at Pipe
阿扶的主人: 無法秒寫的單位
Patty Maher: Becoming Human
Ata M Adnan: Melancholy of Mountains.
AMM blog: Line Thit Kelin & Pernille Vest for Magasin
小川 Ogawasan: Sleeping creatures
wrc213: 石門星軌,-5℃,五小時的等待
Call me cupcake: Birthday cake!
jennifermorris: what the little balls of clay turned into..
jennifermorris: cat with a hat..or a toupee
jennifermorris: a chorus
jennifermorris: sunflower song earrings
jennifermorris: cirque de libellule - retro bauble earrings
iamfisheye: Hitching a Ride
John__Hull: Croft Hill Sunset
Chris He - 2013: Cattle Egrets' native land
fred.colbourne: I am squirrel; hear me roar.
Daniel Taieb: Tree Swallow Red deer (Cervus elaphus) Through the trees.
fascinationwildlife: Polar Bear Lookout